Paula's Choice Review

Paula's Choice Review

I have to start this review with praise of a person, not a brand. A couple of months ago, I found Sean Garette, an esethician from NYC with vast knoweledge on skincare and an impeccable Instagram aesethic— my kind of guy. Please follow him on Instagram @seangarrette if you aren’t already— your skin will thank you. Everything he touches turns to gold, and sells out as soon as he reccomends them. I was convinced to buy Krave Beauty because of him— read the review here— and I also found out about Paula’s Choice, a brand based on science and incredible formulas, all at a good price for what you’re getting. He also has an affiliate link with a 15% discount on his favorite products, which are some of the products in this review (at the time I purchased them— they may have changed the lineup). For that reason, I’m not putting links to the products because it would be better for you (and your wallet) to use Sean’s link. A good thing to mention: Sean and I both have dry-combination skin, so the products I’m talking (or writing?) about in this review may or may not work for you. Here’s the review!

Paula’s Choice Skin Balancing Pore-Reducing Toner: While I was a loyal fan of Son and Park’s Beauty Water for almost 2 years, my skin obviously wanted a change, while still in the same family. I don’t know if I can compare the products themselves, but I can compare the results. While I get less of a “glow” with Paula’s Choice, my skin is a lot more even in tone and smoother, from what I assume is the Niacinamide, a key ingredient. It’s everything I want in a toner. Gets any last dirt missed by the cleanser (which isn’t often, but it’s best to be prepared!) while gently exfoliating and gives some moisture while prepping my skin for the rest of my routiene. 

Paula’s Choice Omega+Complex Serurm: I really, really like this serum. For one thing, it comes in a pump which is always a plus. I also really like products that pack in terms of moisture without being overly sticky or wet— this serum soaks right into the skin. Similar to the Krave Beauty Great Barrier Relief, it works to strengthen your skin as well as nourishing it. According to the Paula’s Choice website, the “Concentrated levels of omega fatty acids help replenish dull, dehydrated skin, revive a beautifully smooth, supple feeling, plus visibly soften the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles”. Nice! This is a great lightweight but moisturizing serum that’s great for the transition to warmer weather. 

Paula’s Choice Defense Antioxidant Pore Purifier: (NOTE: I bought the travel size of this, it’s not Miss Paula trying to finesse you) This is a really interesting product— I’ve never used anything like this. A product that uses antioxidants, vitamin C, and salicylic acid to clear out pores and “protect skin from enviornmental damage”. I use this on my t-zone, especially my nose. I really like this… it’s better for me to use this than Differin every day. I’ve noticed a difference on my nose in particular. Like, I obviously still have pores, but they look more like pores than blackheads, you know? While I can’t look photoshopped I  don’t want to look clogged up. 

This line of products are smart and effective. There’s no bullshit, all results (at least in my experience). I would recommend looking at Sean’s Instagram to learn more about Paula’s Choice because he knows a hell of a lot more about this stuff than me. While this is a hobby and I may be more “knowedgeable” on skincare than the average person, Sean is a certified esthetician and has been doing this work for many years (not that you could tell from his AMAZING skin...I’m getting jealous as I’m typing this). 


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