
Showing posts from April, 2020

Krave Beauty and Repairing Your Skin Barrier

Krave Beauty and Repairing Your Skin Barrier Hi all! Hope you’re all safe and healthy right now. I’ve been less active, but readjusting my schedule to online classes and overindulging in self-care has left me being neglectful of frequent posting.  A couple of weeks ago, my skin was a WRECK. Stress breakouts, a mysterious rash on my forehead consisting of about a thousand tiny bumps, and a botched self-dermaplane session (PLEASE don’t do that you guys— I’m not kidding) left my skin raw, flaking, and the worst I’ve seen it in years. I was freaking out— mostly about the global pandemic though lol— about how I was going to leave this psuedo-quarentine with my skin worse off; my skin picked at and my ego bruised. I had to act fast.  I had seen Krave Beauty’s products essentially everywhere on skincare social media— the clean beauty brand with “barrier reparing products” that nobody could stop talking about. I was hesitant due to the price tag before, but with no hope l