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Paula's Choice Review

Paula's Choice Review I have to start this review with praise of a person, not a brand. A couple of months ago, I found Sean Garette, an esethician from NYC with vast knoweledge on skincare and an impeccable Instagram aesethic— my kind of guy. Please follow him on Instagram @seangarrette if you aren’t already— your skin will thank you. Everything he touches turns to gold, and sells out as soon as he reccomends them. I was convinced to buy Krave Beauty because of him— read the review here — and I also found out about Paula’s Choice, a brand based on science and incredible formulas, all at a good price for what you’re getting. He also has an affiliate link with a 15% discount on his favorite products, which are some of the products in this review (at the time I purchased them— they may have changed the lineup). For that reason, I’m not putting links to the products because it would be better for you (and your wallet) to use Sean’s link. A good thing to mention: Sean and I bo

Krave Beauty and Repairing Your Skin Barrier

Krave Beauty and Repairing Your Skin Barrier Hi all! Hope you’re all safe and healthy right now. I’ve been less active, but readjusting my schedule to online classes and overindulging in self-care has left me being neglectful of frequent posting.  A couple of weeks ago, my skin was a WRECK. Stress breakouts, a mysterious rash on my forehead consisting of about a thousand tiny bumps, and a botched self-dermaplane session (PLEASE don’t do that you guys— I’m not kidding) left my skin raw, flaking, and the worst I’ve seen it in years. I was freaking out— mostly about the global pandemic though lol— about how I was going to leave this psuedo-quarentine with my skin worse off; my skin picked at and my ego bruised. I had to act fast.  I had seen Krave Beauty’s products essentially everywhere on skincare social media— the clean beauty brand with “barrier reparing products” that nobody could stop talking about. I was hesitant due to the price tag before, but with no hope l

Three Different Everyday Makeup Looks

Three Different Everyday Makeup Looks ("I got three looks, and that's IT!")  I’ve been really finding my solid makeup “look” the past year, and I realized that this “look” can be broken down to the most basic elements, depending on the situation and how much time I have. I don’t go over 20 minutes - ever, and I like things to be quick and easy. It’s the opposite of clothes (IMO): you can never be overdressed, but you CAN be overly made-up. So I resort to a simple look that I know I can do well and I know will look good.  When I look to my icons or the girls with the best looks for inspiration (and hope lol), it comes down to what I just mentioned, surprisingly. For example, Marilyn Monroe and Allan “Whitey” Snyder. When she made her first film until her passing, her makeup look didn’t really change. They found the best look, which made her look like a bad bitch (because that look for everyone is different) and stuck with it, through thick and thin. I’d recomm

Chemical Exfoliants

Chemical Exfoliants  I’m a huge chemical exfoliant fan, and I am willing to convert anyone who thinks otherwise. Keep reading if youre using a physcial exfolaint, GOD forbid St. *ve’s scrubs… I beg of you, your mother begs of you, and your skin is begging you.  So, questions arise: What are chemical exfoliants, how are they different than a physical exfoliants, and why is chemical superior? How do I know which one’s are good for me, my skin, and my routine?  Let’s get into the science (says me, not a scientist). According to Dermascope , “ Chemical or mechanical exfoliation increases keratinocyte proliferation by weakening the intercellular glue that binds the dead cells together, allowing these cells to shed off, which clears the top layers of the stratum corneum of dead skin cells, debris, and impactions.” So think of all that dry skin as crusty, dried up glue— think of elementery school when you’d put glue on your palms. When you mechanically exfolate (think of a sc

2019 Favorites

2019 Favorites I’m late but I’m here! This took a lot of contemplation— what a year! Started this blog, and began to look at beauty in a whole different light than I had before— in any facet. I’ve always had phases or looks, but now I’m looking toward the future as a career in beauty becomes more real; what is my philosphy on beauty? What are my staples— if I were to have them? As I become an adult and leave childhood behind, will I choose to get bolder as I had always thought, or stick to the classics? I’m still trying to get a grip on these questions, and how the answers will morphe and change in the years to come. But for now, the easiest thing to do is find awesome products. Here are my 2019 favorites! Makeup:  2019 was the year that made me fall in love with makeup again— I got so into skincare, I forgot how fun it was to play around with different colors, textures and techniques. Definetly a big year for eyes— I had a falling out with eyeliner in 9th grade when I rea